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Spending & Importance

In recent years, the Canadian federal government has been investing heavily into infrastructure projects. To date, the government has invested over $118 billion in over 78,000 projects, 98% of them completed or underway. Many of these investments are out of necessity as cities across the country keep increasing in population size and density. Each day that passes, more and more Canadians need access to reliable services and daily necessities such as clean water and electricity. Think of Infrastructure as the backbone of what makes a strong community. Continued spending in this sector is not only a must……….it is a necessity. 

According to ReNew Canada, The 100 largest public sector infrastructure projects under development have reached $273 billion. Crown corporation BC Hydro took the No.1 spot on this list with its Site C Clean Energy Project. The Site C Clean Energy Project will be a third dam and hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River in northeast British Columbia. The project claims to provide enough energy to power the equivalent of about 450,000 homes per year  in the province. 

Future Generations & Densification

Infrastructure projects are also providing opportunities for current and future generations in terms of home ownership. With younger Canadians wanting to live in urban areas, the demand for infrastructure & utilities will remain strong and steady. Some are even advocating that the federal government work with provincial governments in infrastructure investments for densification. The purpose is to densify certain metropolitan areas so that Canadians might have a real opportunity at home ownership earlier in their lives. With the increase in demand for homes in metropolitan areas, infrastructure becomes more than a mere tool to provide services, it becomes a pre-requisite for a ubiquitous quality of life. 

Looking to start a new career?

We offer comprehensive training in a variety of infrastructure related fields. Our clients trust us to constantly train new groups of driven individuals who are looking to start their career in infrastructure. All trainees who successfully complete our program are secured jobs with our clients.

Sound interesting? Apply today!
